A Facebook group to share and learn woodworking. Come and join now.

Would it not be great to have a forum to share all your DIY projects ? Don’t you agree that a group of like- minded individuals getting together to exchange ideas, provide feedback, offer tips and discuss a particular niche is always a healthy way to grow the niche within that community and beyond? Would it not be great that you had someone, anyone to provide you the way forward when you are stuck in the middle of a project? Don’t you agree that having an open environment to have your DIY queries addressed by other enthusiasts can help enhance your interest and skills in the hobby? 

DIY Woodworking - India

From all the "Would it not be great" and "Don't you agree" questions stemmed the idea of creating a Facebook group - A group focused on DIY woodworking more specifically limited to Indian geography.  I created the DIY Woodworking – India group way back in 2013, but never got the opportunity to work on adding more interested members into it. With increasing number of folks taking up Woodworking as a hobby, I wanted to extend an invitation to all of you who are reading this to join the group.
Woodworking India group
A Facebook Group to share your woodworking outcomes and hone your skills
  • If you think DIY Woodworking is your forte, JOIN NOW
  • If you even have the faintest of interest in taking it up as a hobby, JOIN NOW
  • If you have completed a DIY project and you are looking at like-minded people to share it with, JOIN NOW
  • If you are in the middle of a project, and not sure how to proceed, JOIN NOW
I want to bring in relevant interested folks into the group to keep it focused. And that is why I want you to click join, because no one better than you would know if you are relevant to this group.  Once in, be sure to invite your friends and families who would love to come out of their comfort zones and try some bit of woodworking. And for you to understand more, here’s some FAQ on the group :

Some FAQs

Why a group when you have your Facebook page ?
To reiterate, the page is becoming more about me. A group makes it easier for others to join the fun. From one to one on a page, it becomes one to many and many to many which makes it more meaningful.

There are other woodworking forums, then why this?
I want to bring the Woodooz community together. In that sense, I feel this will be a more concentrated group and not a redundant one.

Why DIY Woodworking – India ?
There is enough information available about Woodworking elsewhere. Idea is to bring together folks who can help with local terms, tools, methods and jargons.

There are hardly any people in the group. Why join?
This is the first time am talking about this group, and I hope there would be more enthusiastic people joining in due course. Now, without thinking, you JOIN.

I see no conversation happening in the group. Why join?
We are laying the foundation. The dialogues would soon happen. Trust me.
So go ahead, join. Add your friends. Discuss. Ask. Take help. Learn. Share.

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